Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu vol08 ch49

Yeah yeah yeah. I went brain dead for a bit and posted those pages without realizing that it was spoilers so to rectify my mistake, I burned through 2 hours to bring you ch49. My fingers are seriously cramping...T_T...You all are getting another chapter waaaaaaaay too soon, lol. Totally spoiling you guys.

But I really wanted to post the 2-page spreads in the chapters as they were meant to look. So now the impact is gone... Unless I get a cleaner on staff who can draw and clone, all 2-page spreads for future releases will be none.



The two images in the previous post are still what I am using to gauge your cleaning abilities. So email me your resume aka the cleaned image.


One more thing...I found an angel of a helper who offered to help me preclean/tone the raws before anything is done to them. She goes by the name
Tranquil Melancholy or TMie, the creator of Whatever Scanlation, so everyone, say Hi, lol.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Now Hiring!

Alright everybody. Sorry to those who have emailed me before about helping me out and I didn't respond but I just wanted to do an announcement for it...

I need to hire another cleaner...BOO...because Saramon has started college and can't handle both cleaning and college at the same time. I wish her the best of luck with school.

So, if anyone is interested in helping me and becoming a cleaner, clean 1 of the 2 images above (fill in the white space) and email it back to me. These images require drawing and cloning so if you can do these pages, you can do future cleanings as well.

Use this site for reference/help:

Please, serious applicants only and someone who can last longer with the job. I really don't want to have to look for people again. I'd prefer someone with some scanlating experience or is familiar with using PhotoShop.